The Mark of the Beast

Render unto Caesar
The Mark
The Rapture
The End Times

More will come later, but I wanted to get this information got out immediately.

Title 42 of the United Stated Code (USC) is titled "Public Health and Welfare"

Chapter 7 of Title 42 is titled "Social Security"

Below is an excerpt from the Chapter 7, section 666(a)

(13) Recording of social security numbers in certain family matters. - Procedures requiring that the social security number of -

(A) any applicant for a professional license, driver's license, occupational license, recreational license, or marriage license be recorded on the application;

(B) any individual who is subject to a divorce decree, support order, or paternity determination or acknowledgment be placed in the records relating to the matter; and

(C) any individual who has died be placed in the records relating to the death and be recorded on the death certificate.

Go to the US Code search page by clicking here.

If you want to download any or all of USC Title 42 in pdf format, right click on the link below and select "Save Target As..."

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